Saturday, April 16, 2005

What's The Deal?

I checked out my news page this evening and find myself reading about the G-7. What happened to the G-8? Remember, last year, they all had their private meeting on an island off the coast of Georgia, for security reasons. And when I did a google search about the G-8, one of the entries worded, G-8, formerly G-7. So, now it's G-7 again, last year it was G-8, but before that it was G-7. But I can never find the reason for the change in numbers, nor can I find who seems to be inconsistant in their membership. I will tell you right now, I didn't search very long, because I start getting these [This Page is No Longer Available] browsers and I just get disgusted. I have gotten a bit skeptical here, and I better type it early, because if Dr. Frist gets his way, the latest edition of the DSM_-R will have a new entry for mental illness called political paranoia. The bad thing about this, is; it won't be general news until all the political ducks in Washington are in a row and in agreement. And those of us that are warning everyone will be the first to be called political paranoids or conspiracy theorists. I am including a link, just for your perusal. I found it an interesting perspective. Going to make a lovely companion to the New Freedom Initiative that President Bush has already signed into law. And our new Attorney General thinks we need more groping in the airports. The security isn't enough, yet. Well, probably not, there are still what two or three airlines in America that haven't gone bankrupt, yet? Let's make air travel more invasive, if possible. I think, if the security that is in place has missed all that he claims they have let go through, and there still hasn't been another 9/11, the problem is not so problematic. If we still have an open border, and our airlines are letting all the undercover guys get through security and the bags that get detained in check-on, but the person always gets away, we are looking pretty safe. I mean, President Bush says there are still tons of gaps in our intelligence system and I will agree with his astute observation of a void in intelligence. Attorney General Gonzoles says there is not enough security, but we haven't been attacked. How much more do we need, when the mission is accomplished? So what's the deal?
Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice?

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