Saturday, April 09, 2005


I have to just take a moment and quit looking at all the things in our world that are annoying, and take a deep breath and notice that spring is here. The sights and sounds of spring are always invigorating. In the little corner of the world that I call home, it is springtime. The barren limbs and ground, are now sending forth greenery. And there is just a delightful dainty rainbow of colors in all the tiny blooms in the ground cover G~d has planted. The crocuses and jonquils have been beautiful this year and the daffodils , never more yellow. There is already wonderful evidence of the tulips and lily of the valley that will be forthcoming. I have to just take a rest from the hourly 3-5 minutes of news and the many hours of news analysis that is promoted and offered. It would appear that the botanical bounty that G~d has allowed me to plant will be doing well this year, also. I have already seen some very green strawberry leaves. The fruit vines are gaining leaves daily and the peach tree is adorned with the most beautiful burgundy leaves this time of year. It will be so pretty with the burgundy leaves and the delicate pink blossoms soon. I have also been noticing the baby birds. I haven’t seen them in their nests, I haven’t really seen too many nests, I am referring the ones that are just big enough to be “out and about.” I watched one the other evening, glide and flap his wings with just enough momentum to make it from a tree limb to land on an overhead wire. He appeared to be hanging on for dear life, wondering how he would ever get off the wire, yet fully aware that he had actually flown! Whether or not, he thought all the things that I pondered for him, I felt blessed to get to see his early flight. I have also noticed how much pigeons sound like doves, and that just makes them more beautiful to think of them that way. Actually I have noticed their variegated feathers, and they really are pretty birds. They just travel in big messy bunches. And then I think of “Pete,” the pigeon in Greece that met me every morning on the roof top cafĂ© at the inn where we stayed. He came right up to the table, knowing I would be giving him dry cereal as I enjoyed my morning coffee taking in the scenery of Athens and the ships on the Mediterranean. In the spring, I am so grateful for life, that I must take the time to just acknowledge the beauty of G~d‘s freshly awakened world. When I appreciate life, I must accredit G~d.
When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained; What is man, that you are mindful of him?

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