Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Sibling Business

I find it rather curious that George Obama's arrest in Kenya is supposed to somehow be tied to President Obama. Clearly both men are of legal age, not to mention on entirely different continents. Family dirt has become a real source of mud to sling through political campaigns and I just don't understand it. All right, if it's the politician's kids that are pulling shenanigans, that's a different matter, because the kids are a product of their parent's instruction and example, but siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles . . . get real. People make their own choices. Besides, I think legislating a plant created by our Creator, is just pretty arrogant on the part of any lawmaker. Usurping authority over our Creator . . . I wouldn't want to be in their shoes, come Judgment Day. I also find it odd that it's a big deal that George had pot in Kenya, and Barrack wrote in his book about doing cocaine, which is clearly illegal. Looks to me like George is just in the wrong country. I understand now how American is the land of opportunity.
Busted with pot in Kenya can get you in the headlines. Writing about doing cocaine in America can get you in the White House.
He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man . . . a Psalm of Holy Scripture

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