Monday, February 23, 2009

Finishing a Project

I'm just a little concerned about all this infrastructure remodeling, which is slated to both rebuild the roads and provide jobs for millions of Americans. I'm also a bit unsettled about the fact that, not even 100 days after inauguration, this is already referred to as President Obama's first term. He has big plans for 2013. From what I've seen of his political career, he always has big plans. I read at one site, when he was a little boy in Indonesia, the children were to write a paper about what they wanted to be when they grew up, and amidst "doctor, pilot, etc." Mr. Obama was reported to have written, he wanted to be president. I have no idea if Indonesia had a president as their country's leader, but if he did write it, I find it interesting, since up to that point, he'd spent virtually no time on the mainland of America.
On to the real point of this blog, today, though. As I read his bio, I noticed the odd lengths of time for his terms served and did a bit more digging. First, he served seven years in the Illinois State Senate, resigning to serve in the US Senate, then of course, he resigned from the US Senate to move to the White House. In the middle of one of his state senate terms, he made an unsuccessful bid for the US House of Representatives. I realize he's ambitious, but he also quits before the term is up.
What happens when all the bridges are under construction, and the roads are barreled, our economy tanks, and he gets a better offer somewhere? Who knows, if there is a better position to hold, than President of the US, but if an offer comes along, will he just resign here too? With all this globalization, the North American Pac, and he did campaign in Europe??? Maybe there will be an offer for President of the North American Continent, or even the world. And what will happen? I can see it. Unfinished Bridges, suspended in mid air, half completed, going nowhere. Roads barricaded, blocked, and heavy equipment sitting on what was supposed to be the new shoulder. I realize ambition is a wonderful trait, but so is finishing what you begin, and so far, his bio doesn't indicate that to be one of his many outstanding qualities.
and since that time even until now hath it been in building, and yet it is not finished. a Prophet of Holy Scripture

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