Friday, September 07, 2007

The Powers and Authority

This is going to sound a bit like a sermon today, but then . . . According to the religious right, the interpretation of Romans 13: 1 means that G~D has placed George W. Bush over America, because he is the best leader for this time. Well, Romans 13: 1 doesn't exactly say that, but that's the interpretation, none the less. It does say that leaders are put in place by G~D, and so that makes me wonder. Maybe G~d has allowed George W. Bush to be our leader, because he is the embodyment of the American spirit, arrogant and aggressive. So he best reflects the direction we have chosen. But, by the same token, if George W. Bush is ordained of G~D for his job, then was Saddam Hussein put in place, and is Ahmadinejad also in his position by the same authority? Wow! Does that mean Arafat rose by the same means and what about Osama bin Laden? Does G~D really put all these leaders in place by HIS divine authority, or does he simply allow mankind the freedom to be as mean or dumb as we choose? Or was Paul, in Romans 13: 1, simply telling a congregation that their spiritual leader had authority over them. I guess, this popular interpretation will remain rampant until the second coming, but just one more thought on this appointed and ordained authority. If Romans 13:1 was written to the church in Rome to endorse the authority of the Roman government, we have to realize that was the same government that ordered the death sentence for the Messiah, as well as the author of the book of Romans. So maybe, just maybe, what G~D allows for earthly governmental leadership has nothing to do with HIS definition of righteousness.
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of G~d: the powers that be are ordained of G~d. Romans 13: 1 . . . Come now, and let us reason together . . . Holy Scripture

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