Friday, July 06, 2007

"They" Are Winning, and We, the People are Losing

I don't usually beat a topic to death once it appears to have closure, but this Scooter Libby deal shouldn't have closure. I don't mean Scooter sitting in the slammer will solve it, either. By the way, I read he's paid his fine, and the judge says the way his probation was ordered, can only begin after his release, but with no time served, there is no release . . . Isn't all that just slick? I really don't think Scooter is the brains behind this plan, but what I'm really wondering about is the true solution. A man named Jeff made a comment, here in an earlier post referring to my comment about Scooter's crime not being high treason. Jeff believes that revealing the name of a CIA operative could be considered treason, but definitely a federal offense, and I agree with him, and according to some quotes, so did President Bush at one time. So, why were the federal investigators unable to find the culprit? Or how was it determined that leaking the identity of a CIA agent was not a federal offense? Some politicians want her husband blamed for this and the others want Scooter blamed, and of course; there are those that want to blame the media with their audacity to claim "freedom of press." I just don't understand why the investigation came up empty. Can our federal investigators only find people who are maybe . . ."thinking about committing a crime?" Can they not find the true criminals? Can they not solve cases when there has been an actual crime? If leaking Valerie Plame's name was not a federal offense, then Scooter's trial and all this maneuvering is just about getting the American public up in partisan arms, AGAIN! And of course, to remind us, the mere peasants, that the resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. has absolute, unquestionable, unaccountable authority. I have a problem with Cheney, in this deal, but suggesting he has a conflict of interest just becomes partisan, AGAIN! I think all the hoop-ti-la about illegal immigration is another game our leaders and legislators are playing on us, as well. If all the legitimate immigrants wanted to be a part of the American culture, and the illegals were "in hiding," would we be seeing and hearing so much in Spanish? I can't call anywhere without one of the first prompts telling me to press a number for English or Spanish. Our government is well aware of the illegals. It would be a very simple matter, since the high cost of health care seems to be what they claim to be protecting for the rest of us. Just put an immigration bureaucrat at every emergency room. When it becomes apparent that there is a lack of proper paperwork, the solution is simple. Treat them, and get them HOME to recuperate. This is not about illegal immigrants, it's about electronic records and surveillance of "we the people," the American citizens. It's as if the politicians themselves have all made a game that always leaves the people talking, wondering, and unrepresented, and we engage zealously in talking and speculating, without realizing we are unrepresented, by either party. I truly am beginning to take this personally. I had always considered voting to be my responsibility and privilege, but I'm beginning to feel like "they" are just making fun of us and seeing how much "they" can get away with and how much we will put up with. The next big topic, of course, will be fair talk radio! Because that will put immigration, Iraq, and Libby on a back burner, and keep the listeners up in arms, while providing the theater for the next showing of SMOKE AND MIRRORS. I just feel, everything "they" throw at us, is either already decided or simply a smoke screen. I truly wish I didn't feel this way, but I do. There will be no average American citizen ever able to raise enough funds to buy their way to the White House. Corporate Politics is now the biggest business in America, it is totally bipartisan and is financed by donations from all the big money.
If they say, Come with us . . . we shall fill our houses with spoil; Cast in thy lot among us . . .walk not thou in the way with them; refrain thy foot from their path: from the Proverbs of Holy Scripture

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Liz, thanks for bringing me up, and I agree with you 100 percent. I too think most of the debates in our country are framed accordingly and largely decided by the time we get around to discussing them. I think the immigration debate is a little different, though. Americans won that, but BARELY. You definitely haven't heard the last from Kennedy, McCain, La Raza, The New York Times, and every other group and corporation who wants amnesty for every illegal. And in the end they'll prevail, because they want it more than the border-security people do.

I am totally with you on the voting thing. People I know don't agree with me on this, but I will no longer vote. It's a farce. The major candidates are either very wealthy or bought by corporations and interest groups. The other guys who run, the third-party guys, are good people, and people I'd love to have in office. Problem is, they don't have a snowball's chance in hell. And I can't see taking time out of my day to go to the polling place, to either vote for someone who has no chance at getting enough of the vote to draw federal funds (let alone winning) or writing in "Donald Duck" on the ballots.

In '04, I managed the local leg of a presidential campaign where I lived, for Dennis Kucinich. He's running again this year. He's a very good man, who I agree with on mostly everything. However, I see now (although I didn't then) that he doesn't have a chance, and it's futile. If he had the money and backing to compete with Barack or Hillary, he'd be shot dead. Grunt work is thankless anyway, lol. But the political world is structured to work against these people.

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