Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I Think I'm On To Something . . .

As I listen to these reports about a stable and good economy, I am just dumbfounded. I don't know if the people broadcasting this information are living in some sort of vacuum or if those analyzing the data are simply out of touch with reality, because some things are just blatantly obvious. I realize, many, many couples are now hitting the six figure income bracket, but . . . their expenses are also astronomical, and their debt is, for me, unfathomable. And who can save any more? Well, obviously saving has always been a bit tricky for most people, considering the number of people in their golden years that are dependent upon a government check, rather than living on their investments and savings. But savings or the lack thereof is not my point. I've been watching the interest rate for savings climb slightly and watching the interest rate for loans climb even more slightly and I find that odd. Banks cannot pay more interest than they are collecting, it just won't balance at the end of the month. The reports keep telling us how low the inflation rate is, but prices keep climbing. I realize the inflation rate has to do with prices and wages and interest and how all of that figures together, but all of that is figuring together and still doesn't really add up. Have you noticed how high the Dow Jones has gotten? Yet GM is no longer the number one car manufacturer and, well actually, very little is made and produced here in the US, but the Stock Market continues to climb . . . Is that where the inflation has been transferred? I'm thinking back to the the early 80's when the unions started really having their base taken out from under them and a number of union men became company men. And that was what was used to bring down inflation or did they simply transfer it to another area in life. We are paying over $2.50 a gallon for gasoline and over $3.00 a gallon for milk. The jobs that are being "created" amount to little more than minimum wage earnings, while the higher paying jobs are being eliminated by the thousands! And they tell us we have a strong economy? We have an inflated Wall Street that is no more than a house of cards. When a significant percentage of the union work force became salaried company men, the employees actually began to value the company, rather than the company value the employees. And now everyone is an associate or a stock holder where they work, or their work place is employee owned, which really means the employee is owned, or they are an independent contractor. As all the employees are now investing in their companies of employment, the value of the company continues to rise and inflate beyond what it produces. Inflation has been redefined and camouflaged. We are not hearing about inflation, because the dollar has been worthless for years and nobody is going to tell us the value of an employee has been deflated. As long as employees value their jobs and postitions more than a company values its employees, a decent product at a good value is no longer the issue and inflation just won't be a problem.
Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not highminded, nor trust in uncertain riches . . .

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