Monday, April 23, 2007

Calling for Greater People Control

Now we'll hear the pundits up in arms promoting greater leverage for forced mental evaluation and demonizing the liberals for wanting more gun control , and we'll hear the liberals trying to be compassionate about mental illness and you know what, both sides are going to succeed in greater people control. That's really all this will result in. Look at how many laws have changed since Timothy McVeigh, or whoever, caused the devastation in Oklahoma City in 1995, and since the Columbine high school horror in 1999. I can't begin to count the rights that have been lost since 9/11, and yet we still had the massacre at Virginia Tech. And my heart and prayers go out to the families of the victims, but more people control didn't stop this and it won't stop the next horror. The people control that the conservatives and the liberals always call for, is controlling the people who are already abiding by the law. It's just more control on those that are already just trying to get through life and not cause anyone else any harm or have any visit them. These are the people that the conservatives want to evaluate and the ones that the liberals want to disarm. Well, they are working quite well in tandem and we law abiding citizens are just going to end up losing more. I have to tell a true example about gun control, because frankly it just fits right into all the political solutions being offered right now. I have actually seen NRA members tell individuals that it isn't safe for that particular individual to keep a gun in their own home. Now, do you see where this is going? The conservatives/NRA will determine who should have guns and who should not . . . my guess is, it will be that very group that will have them and everyone else will need to be evaluated or tested. But this is the same group that thought we nonconservatives made a big deal out of Cheney's hunting fiasco. The republican party and NRA's combined determination of gun safety and gun ownership is starting to really sound like Al Sharpton's perspective regarding racial slurs. We are getting so many areas of "I can and you can't" and the I cans decide who can and can't. So, if the liberals succeed in greater gun control laws and the NRA finds their political solace around those laws, but the conservatives take it upon themselves to see to mental health evaluations of people who do not embrace warmongering and materialism, what will we have? We will have greater people control laws and many more of them, and from the way things look, that seems to be the real goal for our leaders and legislators on both sides of the aisle.
And in those times there was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in, but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants . . .

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