Thursday, February 10, 2005

Elections / Democracy?

I heard on the news this morning that the first "elections" were being held in Saudi. I guess, I feel I was led to believe that either America is influencing all of the Middle East by our presence, or an International Standard of sorts is being put in place. At any rate, the newscaster or reporter went on to describe the previously established way of determining leadership in that land. I just read a post at that was concise and informative, but did not give the same commentary that I heard this morning. Now back to the report I heard. This reporter went on to say, that previously in that country, to determine leaders; there was the killing of a few lambs, dinner prepared, friends invited and asked sign their petition for a position of leadership. I have been unable to confirm this particular analysis anywhere else. Perhaps I am nitpicking terminology here, but as "elections" gain popularity and global momentum, whom or what sort of governments are being elected. I for one, have tended to associate the term election with democracy, freedom, etc., in a word: choice. I think many of us do, especially with the images that are portrayed, but the reality is; throughout world history, some very ruthless people that do not stand for freedom, have been elected. As I heard the reporter go into detail regarding the "old way" of doing things and this "new order" that is consistent with the international standard, I had more questions than he gave information. First, the prepared dinner sounds very much like what we term a party convention or even fund raising dinner. It is merely a cultural difference as to whether one slaughters livestock or phones the caterer. And what's not democratic or even absolutely fundamental, in gaining a public profile or political power of any kind; to have your friends and colleagues supporting your aspirations? I believe we just witnessed how many inaugural balls because friends had worked so hard and were celebrating, and they had the right to do so. I did see the term Western style campaigns mentioned. So does that mean, millions of dollars spent? or everyone is now registered into some system to have a say, or what? I kind of have a fun image in my head of seeing two men that are verbally mudslinging in a language I cannot understand, but by their tone, recognize the content and purpose. Now, as for signing a petition or writing down a name to give support; don't we call that a "write in?" I personally have done that here in our elections. I saw the signs with my own two eyes in none other than Washington D.C. in their mayoral race.
My point, my concern is that we are caught up in exuberance of the word election, but the bottom line is, we know human beings hate change. So, with these free elections, are many first time voters, electing to keep the same type of leadership that is already established?

Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought:

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