Monday, January 24, 2011

Remembering Jack LaLanne

I awoke this morning to the news that Jack LaLanne had passed away at the age of 96. His life was a testament to the lifestyle he promoted. I laid there listening to the news while remembering that some of my earliest childhood memories were of his television show. I couldn't have been more than three, when it seemed every morning, at least week-day mornings, my mom worked out with Jack LaLanne. It was black and white TV, so I have no idea what color his jumpsuit was, but I remember very clearly his set; as he did his basic calisthenics with housewives across America. I also remember his wife in the background of the set, and I think I remember him calling her by name, but as I read today, her name, I couldn't help but take notice. Elaine LaLanne is just quite a moniker. I think what I remember the most about Jack LaLanne was the fact that he's been around my entire life promoting health and now, here I am in my 50's. There must be something to that healthy eating and exercise, eh! I remember his vitamins and his juicer and to be honest I really didn't realize he was still so physically active at that time. I heard today, right up until he took ill, he was still doing his workouts. The man invented gym equipment, and some of his pictures of him up in his 90's looked great. He really did live what he believed in and it showed. I have no idea what his spiritual or emotional perspective was, but he took good care of his body and it served him well for many years. Now, in looking back, he was nearly the age I am now, when I was a kid watching him lead America in healthy exercise. I never heard or read anything but good things about Jack LaLanne. As I mentioned, I don't know his spiritual beliefs or emotional support system, but his life was one of "living what one believed!"
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

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