Monday, July 20, 2009

As An Outside Observer

I am neither Mormon nor gay, so I feel that I can give a completely unbiased opinion to the events that have unfolded in Salt Lake City. I have visited Salt Lake City, and enjoyed the Great Salt Lake, for what that is worth. Now, to the issue at hand. Two guys cut across Mormon "property" after leaving a concert and apparently got caught up in their moment and kissed. When the security guards asked them to stop their behavior and to leave, the situation became an "issue." I read that today there was a protest over the situation. I have a question and a comment and then I'll just leave the gay issue to those that have the issue.
What if 2 Mormon "brothers" or missionaries came into a gay bar on a Saturday night and insisted that their "views" be listened to and tolerated? What if, instead of a kiss, they handed out tracts? Wouldn't that be some sort of intolerance issue and anti-gay issue? If 2 Mormon "missionaries" insisted that everyone listen to their schpeel in the middle of the gay bar, wouldn't that be some sort of gay gripe-issue, also? As a person that is neither gay nor Mormon, it seems to me that there are more gay rights than religious freedoms . . .
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another . . . And even as they did not like to retain G~D in their knowledge, G~D gave them over to a reprobate mind . . . found in a letter to ancient Rome

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