Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Time is Money, or is it Timing . . .

Well the feds met again and determined, nothing needed to be done to help our limping economy. It's just a matter of "wait and see," I believe is what I read. The wait and see idea is obviously a good one, since there are only 3 months until the election and only 2 more months until somebody else is sitting in the oval office trying to unravel this entire economic enigma. Actually, there is no enigma. Our President had a history of not so successful business endeavors and for those that think he was a big sports team owner, he only purchased 1% of the team and that was financed. Somewhere along the lines, Daddy's cronies, who were the real owners, gifted him with an additional 10%. As for the oil business, you'd think Zapata Oil could have been a real inheritance to a family of boys, but that just hasn't been mentioned since Neil's dinner with the Hinkleys and the unfortunate S&L situation. So now, he's had the entire US budget at his discretion and he's handled finances like the big mouth at the bar, yelling "A round of drinks for the house," well until the house changed parties and now it's the fault of the house, he can't do for us, anymore . . . I'm relatively sure, just like Grandpa Prescott in the 30's, his money isn't going to tank with the American economy. I don't know which country has the strong economy that Germany had in the 30's, but if I were a betting woman, that's where the neo-con interests are going.
But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. New Testament

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