Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I'm just a bit confused and it would seem my question simply will not be answered in this life. I really would like an answer and if not, I would at least like to know other people are questioning this, too.
Facts we have been led to believe: 15 of 19 Passports belonging to 9/11 terrorists were issued by the country of Saudi Arabia, "two from the United Arab Emirates, one from Egypt, and one from Lebanon. In sharp contrast to the standard profile of suicide bombers, the hijackers were well-educated, mature adults, whose belief systems were fully formed." - wikipedia
"Dubai Ports World (DP World), a United Arab Emirates (UAE)-owned company, recently bought the British-owned Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P&O). Effective March 2, the purchase gives Dubai Ports World control over facilities in six U.S. ports: New York, Miami, Newark-Port Elizabeth, Philadelphia, New Orleans, and Baltimore. Politicians in affected states and cities have raised alarms in the media over vital infrastructure "falling into Arab hands." Others in Washington are questioning the Bush administration's quick approval of the sale . . ."
I can't say much about our relationship with Egypt, but I do remember all the denial of assistance to Israel when Lebanon invaded in 2006. Oh, I know, we were told it was Hezbollah, but Lebanon's "democracy" has a number of Parliament chairs occupied by Hezbollah.
So far, America's war on terror has made political parties out of Hamas and Hezbollah and we've declared war on two countries that didn't give any 9/11 attackers, their walking papers or Passports.
So what gives? Supposedly Osama bin Laden was in the Afghanistan/Pakistan neighborhood, so we went and air bombed the behinds off every camel there and NO bin Laden. Then by late 2002, G.W. was arbitrating and negotiating the land give-away in Israel, and by March of '03, he had 70% of Americans convinced that Iraq was somehow tied to 9/11 and we no longer cared where bin Laden might be, we could find Saddam Hussein and since he wasn't a terribly popular guy, we could just murder him!
I don't get it! I can't find any answers and I can't see any logic in this, other of course than, Saudi is quite a rich and powerful nation that has a ton of oil. EAU, for some reason, has been allowed to invest in our ports and that doesn't make sense, considering they gave travel papers to 2 attackers. Why did we invade Afghanistan if G.W. really didn't care where bin Laden was and hasn't bothered with him since . . . and why did we go to Iraq on the pretense they might have had an alQuaida training camp or weapons of mass destruction? Only if they were American made from the early 80's, would they be of Mass Destruction . . .
This "war on terror" needed to be directed at the places that authorized the passports, if in fact, it was supposed to be a legitimate war on terror. And if we didn't have the courage to face off those directions, we certainly didn't need to become dependent upon them for oil, give them our ports and sell them $20 billion dollars worth of weapons. That's right, G.W. just did a deal with Saudi to sell them $20 billion dollars worth of American weapons and all the survivors of those that died on 9/11 were told they cannot hold the government of Saudi responsible for the terrorists acts. So then, once again, why were we worried that there might have been terrorists training camps in Afghanistan or Iraq? The governments aren't responsible for the individual terrorists according to US Federal Judges and the US President. So, while all the neo-con sheeple continue to remind us of the fact we had to invade Afghanistan and Iraq because of the 3,000 people that died on 9/11, I must say, we went to the wrong places if it's about 9/11 and the survivors of those that died on 9/11 have truly been shown just where our government stands when it comes to the truth about 9/11.
He that oppresseth the poor to increase his riches, and he that giveth to the rich, shall surely come to want. a Proverb of Holy Scripture

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