Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Because 'We' Can . . .

What absolute absurdity, I've read about in the past few days. Here's just one example. It would seem, that although there are an abundance of unwanted pets and a country that simply kills unwanted babies, someone actually paid $50,000K to have a pitbull cloned. I would say, only in America; but the person is only an American and had this mess of a procedure accomplished in Korea, South Korea, I believe. What's next? Don't you just wonder what in the world people are going to think of next? And be willing to finance? When I saw the picture of the woman holding one of the five puppies, I was embarrassed for her. I, personally, wouldn't embrace the idea of being famous for something ridiculously selfish. While she's revelling in already knowing her dog . . . What happens to the other 4? All of this, simply because science can accomplish it? I did a bit more checking on the matter. Turns out she sold her home to pay for this and she hopes more people will be able to do this in the future, because losing a pet is tragic. Here's her quote I found at msnbc.
"I had to make sacrifices and I dream of the day, some day when everyone can afford to clone their pet because losing a pet is a terrible, terrible loss to anyone."
Here we are in the biggest economic crunch this country has seen in years and people are losing their homes to foreclosure and their pets to the natural life cycle and she is truly this oblivious to anyone around her? With the cost of gasoline and well dog food for that matter, I truly hope the country doesn't adopt her set of values. In reading the next paragraph, I discovered she had owned the dog for 12 years and adopted him at a shelter, so he had a chance many dogs never get, and 12 more years is a relatively full life, anyway. In dog years, isn't that 84 or something? I'm sorry she lost her beloved Booger, but most of us simply understood death to be a fact of life in pet ownership, well actually, in life.
The entire subject was just rather sad in a nauseating sort of way. I was particularly saddened by her use of the word, miracle.
And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast . . . the Revelation

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