Friday, August 15, 2008

How Do We Stop the Draft, if We Don't Close the Door?

We do not have the military muscle to back the presumptuous politicians. Contentious posturing on the part of our administration is liable to lead to an exhausted, stretched military or a mandatory military. Oh, that's right, we already have an exhausted, stretched military. So I guess that leaves only one other possibility. . . Or the current administration could just stay home and be quiet. I was truly shocked at the headlines I read this morning. Dr. Rice is in Georgia and proclaiming globally, that Russia needs to get their troops out! They are causing instability in the area . . . Well, I guess, I need to give her credit for knowing something about the topic. No one would know better about causing instability than someone in this present American administration. She also thinks the rest of the powers of the world need to come up with some sort of consequences for Russia's act. You know, if I were sitting in the middle of a country that had not attacked mine and had for some time, asked me nicely to leave, after I tore it with war, I don't think I'd want to call anyone's attention to a similar situation.
My geography is not the best, so I looked on the map. Georgia just isn't very far at all from Iran, and of course we know Iran isn't far from Iraq, and Afghanistan is just on the other side of Iran. Closer, I think than say China and Japan, when President Bush mentioned "being in the neighborhood" at the G8 Summit. I checked and sure enough, we are in Iran's neighborhood, on all sides. Surely there aren't many here that are still buying that tired story about "keeping it over there." We are doing everything in our "diplomatic power" to stir it up over there and in doing so, making ourselves anything but an innocent victim of a future attack. We're offending so many, that if something does happen, we'll have to wait to see who takes credit, to even know who did it!
He that passeth by, and meddleth with strife belonging not to him, is like one that taketh a dog by the ears. a Proverb of Holy Scripture

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