Friday, June 13, 2008

I Think Fearmongers are Scary

I am absolutely exhausted with the concept of creating or suggesting one crisis after another to protect constituents from potential danger. Although I realize the rest of us have been "protected" right along with the constituents, right out of our rights. Fear is the greatest tool imaginable when those in authority want to obtain unquestioned control. We all remember all the fear tactics our parents used. Apparently, this boomer administration was fed the same nonsense, but apparently they still believe it. Well, in all fairness to our boomer President, he has surrounded himself with some of the previous generation, those that seem to actually believe inciting fear is the best way to provide protection. My thought on that subject is a bit more direct. If the one offering the protection, truly wants to protect, then do that and quit spending valuable energy scaring people. This generation of fear tactics is nothing more than yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre, yet they want respect and authority for doing so. Sorry, I just don't have it to give. I remember as a kid, hearing all sorts of scary reasons, I needed my childhood micromanaged and why every move I made needed to be done on a microscope slide. It was preparation for our nation in the 21st Century. I remember being told about the Lindbergh baby, when I wanted to stay home alone. There are many interesting factors that were omitted in that telling. One, my father was not a famous pilot. Two, I was not a toddler, Three, according to Charles Lindbergh, not only were both parents home at the time, so was the nanny, and Four, that tragedy occurred before my parents were even born, and yet they enjoyed a freedom filled childhood with working moms that didn't spend their time telling scary stories. And now, these same people want us to be afraid of everything. I can't even keep a straight face any more as my mom insists that after 9/11, we had to attack Iraq over not showing us weapons of mass destruction. And her reason . . . "because we're America and we have to keep it 'over there.'" I guess the one perk in the deal is to listen to the note of defiant fear in the voices of those that used to incite it. According to the last election, that was about 51% of the American population. According to recent polls, however; the figure of those that like to spend every waking moment afraid of their own shadow, the pundits' imagination, and the endless list of leaders that our President has attempted to offend, that number has significantly declined. Thank G~D for that. I don't understand the 30% that still believe living in fear and inciting fear is the moral and right thing to do, especially since the Bush devotees claim to be religious. If only the ultra religious knew what Scripture says about fear.
YHVH is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me? a Psalm of Holy Scripture

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