Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Things I Find Hard to Believe

There are a few things in the news, these days, that I just find hard to believe.
I find it hard to believe that the Bush followers can't see that "we" are the destabilizing, inconsistent power in the Middle East. All this bluster from Bush about ties with Iran to Hezbollah and undermining the Lebanese government, is nonsense. If there really was an issue with Hezbollah in Lebanon, we'd have gotten involved last year with Israel. That's another thing I find hard to believe. If the present administration was truly "pro-Israel," the present administration wouldn't make it so difficult for an "ally" and certainly wouldn't leave them without allied defense.
Enough about Bush, there are other things I'm finding difficult to believe, these days.
What's with this Senator from Idaho? I find it hard to believe that he has had to "pre-emptively" squelch rumors and innuendo about his sexuality for 25 years. If he didn't do what he is accused of, then why did he plead guilty? He's a senator, he had to know somebody would find a year's probation "news worthy," especially under the circumstances. And all of his "family value" legislation . . . Me thinks he doth protest too loudly!
My next area of difficulty concerns Hillary Clinton. I can't believe some transportation union has endorsed her, considering the "experience" upon which she stands. Her experience amounts to being married to a governor and president, the very president that gave us NAFTA. I was shocked that the unions backed her husband in 1996 after NAFTA, but I am floored that the UTU has endorsed her. I find it hard to believe that . . . wait a minute, considering what has happened to the unions in America for the last 25 years, I guess this union is doing exactly what would be expected. It's just too bad, they can't see what they have done to themselves, already. I guess that's why corporate power is the power and union power has gone by the way side . . .
At the risk of sounding judgmental and biased, I find it hard to believe that Michael Vick has seen the light! It seems more that the spot light has flooded his life to full illumination. If Michael Vick has had a change of heart, great. If he's found Jesus, halleluyah! And if those two things have actually occurred, then I'm sure he will be humbly remorseful and repentant to the tune of returning his advances and stop blaming others for his actions. When the reference was made to poor or bad judgment, all I can say is; breaking the law is certainly a poor judgment call and very poor decision. We'll see if his life has changed enough to be willing to face the consequences. Right now, I find that hard to believe.
A true witness delivereth souls: but a deceitful witness speaketh lies. a Proverb of Holy Scripture

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