Friday, August 10, 2007


As we continue to hear a higher death toll from the collapse of the bridge in Minneapolis, and yet another group of miners continue to be trapped beneath the surface of the earth, I wonder . . . why are we not getting a clue? As we continue to be devastated from these catastrophes, we continue to fund the building and rebuilding of the infrastructure of Baghdad. I understand that the President doesn't want to designate any road tax for road repairs and improvements, and we can all enjoy the so-called tax cuts this present administration has implemented, so our grandchildren can inherit the national debt. Meanwhile, I'm guessing the bridge in Minneapolis won't be repaired until we have some sort of legislation removing freedoms and causing restriction for transportation and general travel. It just seems every catastrophe in this country calls for more legislation for our security and safety, yet every other country we are involved in don't even have to have a respected government in place for us to continue to fund, build, rebuild, while those citizens enjoy new found freedoms exported from America, at the cost of American's freedoms.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free . . . New Testament

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