Friday, July 25, 2008

All Together Now

Embracing headlines all over the place. Obama is somewhere in another country campaigning for President and "all together now" and he's ready to inherit Bush's war on terror. And of course, the President, Bernanke, and Paulson, all keep telling us how concerned they are about high gasoline prices, home foreclosures and the high price of tea from China and sickening peppers from Mexico, and America is going to have some tough months ahead, but "together, we'll get through it."
I just don't feel a cohesiveness with these politicians, or any politician for that matter. Does anyone really think the death toll in an unnecessary war is affecting them personally? Is there any American that really believes a politician feels our pain or has our best interests at heart? Does anyone think their kids are sitting there listening to mom and dad discuss whether to buy gasoline or milk?
I, for one, am simply tired of listening to how concerned these leaders, or would be leaders, are about what we are going through. Al Gore and his green nonsense. Al, park the Escalade and ground the jet. By the looks of your lifestyle, you could save the oil and just burn money.
I don't want to hear one more politician or pundit tell me things are good or what is bad is felt by all of us, because none of that is true. Now the pundits are complaining about the "media," of which they are a part. According to some conservative pundits, the media is only reporting bad things and there are good things going on. That's right, like Exxon Mobile's record profits, quarter after quarter. Just get in on that stock and hey hey! Or, how about the latest pharmaceutical victory in any class action law suit? Now that we have tort reform doctors and pharmaceutical companies are a bit safer, and that's good news, eh?
Isn't it about time for President Bush to give us one of those "Enduring spirit of American pride" speeches, or whatever stirs the national insanity to buy into this for a few more months, til this mess is someone else's problem, or we've got a mess too big to even be able to complain about? I'm tired of being encouraged by having the issues dismissed with empty promises and aloof camaraderie.
And one of you says to them, Go in peace, be warm and full of food; but you do not give them the things of which their bodies have need, what profit is there in this? the book of James

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