Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Chanukah begins this evening and I am very excited about it this year. I don't really know any specific reason why this year, more than last, but I simply am excited. Perhaps, it's because I actually got to see our grandchildren's faces light up when they saw their gifts. We don't live in the same city, so usually their Chanukah gifts are packed into a huge box and shipped, but this year I had their gifts ready before their visit, the end of November. So maybe that's the excitement. Next year Chanukah and their school Christmas vacation overlap, so they can actually visit through the eight days next year. But today's blog isn't about the joys of being a grandma, it's about the holidays and everyone's varying concerns to keep everything politically correct.
I think political correctness and pseudo-tolerance is just silly through the holidays. I don't expect the stores and malls to be playing "Chanukah, Oh Chanukah" or "I Have a Little Dreydle." When I am shopping between Thanksgiving and the New Year, I expect to hear Christmas Carols, even if I don't understand the religious significance of Santa. I would think in this economic slump we're going through, the stores and malls would be doing everything they could to appeal to their customer base at this time of year, which is predominantly those that celebrate Christmas. It doesn't offend me, it makes good business sense. And I really don't need to hear about a holiday tree, it's a Christmas tree. The holiday I celebrate doesn't have a tree. As a matter of fact, decorated trees are forbidden in our faith and festive observance, so again, no need for a generic term that truly doesn't apply.
I realize for many, this time of year has become a time to take joy in being offended. Some non-Christians are offended by Merry Christmas and some Christians are offended that everyone isn't observing properly. And you know, to these people that take holiday joy in being offended, I hope to bring them some of that joy, myself.
I say, this year, since all the holidays are times of joy and good will, everyone should simply and specifically celebrate what they believe and not devalue the celebration with vague and generic terms! Every day can be special.
This is the day which YHVH hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. a Psalm of Holy Scripture

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