Monday, December 03, 2007

FAIR: Another Four Letter Word

I heard, once again, the advantage to the Fair Tax. The advantage is completely for the government, which only makes sense, since it is the government that will be collecting. If it was to benefit the tax payer, we could just keep our money and the politicians could get honest work, but, I digress. I can't wait to find out what the word FAIR becomes an acronym for, or already is.
Let's start with the basic premise that we will be paying taxes, one way or another. Income tax was originally set up for states to pay to the federal government, and as the general population comes to realize the IRS is not part of the government, the government knows, it's only a matter of time before the sheeple start balking about dealing with the IRS, so . . . it is now imperative that the pundits get the public sold on voting in a tax! Then there will officially be an individual Federal TAX on the books! If it's voted in, it's "by the people, and of the people." Moving right along to the math portion of this proposal, we must consider. We are being told with the FAIR tax, there will be no payroll tax withheld, low income earners will receive a refund, regularly, and we will all pay a national sales tax that will more than sustain the cost of our federal government. Obviously, our government officials have come to realize America spends more than it makes, so if we pay tax on purchases rather than income, the government will have more money. How does that sound fair? American households already need two incomes just to make it, and now the idea of everything taxed? Again, how does the word fair enter into this concept? Fair implies equality, which is never the case when individuals deal with the government.
Middle class, two income households will be paying credit card interest on the national sales tax for years. I haven't read all the books about FAIR Tax and I don't listen to all the pundits' rhetoric, but if our government officials are going to continue to spend at the present rate and promise to eliminate income taxes, only the very rich will be able to afford the tax on any purchases above the bare necessities. It looks to me, that the FAIR Tax will help solidify the caste system here.
One more variable for the math portion of our problem. Consider FICA, alone, in payroll tax. From 1935 until before the turn of the 21st Century, the payroll withholding rose from 1% to over 7%. That is a 700% increase in 65 years, which is not even an expected lifespan. Can we really afford a federal sales tax that will potentially increase at that rate?
Be wary! If we are hearing about it, the odds are, it's just about a done deal. This isn't to tax the rich, this is to put all American workers on an allowance. FAIR?
Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard. a Proverb of Holy Scripture

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