Friday, September 29, 2006

Staying the Course - Appeasing Aggressive Americans?

I was amazed when I read what made it through the House and Senate, this week. I thought, with mid-term elections just around the corner: political suicide. As I've read the reports, I just really don't understand. Last week, I gave the President credit for being smarter than we have considered him, but how dumb does Capitol Hill think the voters are? Or, is this the party strategy to appeal to the raw aggression of the American people? How did we get so barbaric? I thought the number of the one bill was interesting: 6166, now it's just figuring out who really is #1 in this scenario.
Both of these pieces of legislation have been in the news from the judicial branch of our government. Anybody remember the judicial branch? The Supreme Court said tribunals were out and interrogations had to comply with humanitarian laws. The Senate and Congress said the President can decide.
Warrantless wiretapping was determined to be unconstitutional. The Senate and Congress said the President can do what he wants.
If the Representatives really think more aggressive measures will win their election, what kind of people do they represent? Just who do our representatives think they are representing? And I noticed the interesting term; rebellious, was used as an adjective for the Republicans that were attempting to stand up to the present administration and disagree with his ideology. I have to watch my terms now, since the word "hostilities" is used in a very vague and generalized fashion, in the new bill addressing what is not torture. With this vast ambiguity also comes the good news that the interpretation of definition is left entirely to the discretion of the President. I personally think it's heading toward stomping all over free speech, but I could be wrong, maybe it's simply going to obliterate it, entirely. So many of our freedoms seem to simply be "marked for deletion." And these people that just agreed to this think the American public wants four more years of their representation?
I've been kind of chuckling at the religious right for some time now, but it's gotten so far out of hand that without a score card, I can't tell what is the "high road" and what is "jihad." But back to my observation. They continue to shout and whine about persecution, while they are the ones that back the party that is making more laws against any kind of expression. So aren't they really setting themselves up to be persecuted? If you do that, is it really persecution at all? I'm really very tired of their hateful whining. They haven't minded keeping their religion to themselves to make their paychecks. As a matter of fact, work was never a religious issue until they had to go to classes to be nice to people that didn't have their beliefs. Hmmm.
So since it all defies logic, this has me wondering what the real plan is . . . I mean somewhere is there some political strategist telling these desperate politicians, "Don't worry boys, this is going to work." Why was disagreeing with the present "stay the course" administration called rebellious? Why does the present administration keep saying "stay the course" while they continue to change and reinterpret the guidelines? And I guess my biggest concern is the voter. Are Americans really aggressive enough to want more years under these legislators and more of these laws? How much legislation for law abiding citizens is needed? How many laws will it actually take to stop those that have no regard of the law and do not live under all these laws that are being passed? Does any republican realize, only American citizens have to live under the authority of the totalitarian privilege that has been grant by the Senate and House? Are there enough Americans to actually carry the majority in continuing this annihilation of our Bill of Rights? I guess the first Tuesday in November we'll find out just how many Americans are still wanting to stay this ever changing course?
go not up, for YHVH is not in your midst, and ye are not smitten before your enemies; Holy Bible

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