Friday, September 15, 2006

Ok, what were we doing?

As always, I'm trying to keep up with the news, just as fast as they spin it out. What happened to the news? Of course, it's fall of 2006, midterm elections just around the corner and you can just smell it in the air, can't you? Every time the wind shifts on Capitol Hill, there is another issue thrown at Congress and another issue tabled or shelved. These poor politicians, every one of them, just have no idea what the public will vote for or against, so what's a poor politician to do these days?
I did want to mention all those that are still grieving over 9/11, I am truly sorry for your loss and the ongoing reminder of the pain you feel. For those of us that have had more private losses, the pain does begin to subside with time, but for this politically charged event, the reminders are so brutal.
I remember when I heard the Taliban had been eradicated, and now I'm hearing they are back and doing more damage to American troops than when they were in power. Saddam Hussein continues to be on trial for old leadership decisions. Be they good or bad, doesn't every country live with their leader's decisions for years to come? Why was his government considered an ally when all this was going on? Wouldn't we like to ask our leaders at the time what they were thinking, by having such an ally? We still can't find Bin Laden, but he keeps in touch. What kind of nonsense is this? I've read more internet forwards about Clinton's responsibility for Bin Laden being loose, but no one has produced videos from that time frame. How is it that we can get mail from him, and his henchmen, but have no idea where it comes from? Please, with all our technology to trace everything imaginable, we can't trace a video? I'm not buying it. Now, what's all this about the recovery of Wall Street? Where? My portfolio isn't worth what it was four or five years ago. And with big layoffs like Ford and huge losses from airlines and the other auto manufacturers, how would the stock remain valuable?
In an economy that is based upon perpetual motion, a connection is still required. In a war on terror, so called elusive preventions just really aren't very convincing. But I would have to say, the place that I just completely lose all line of logic would be "staying the course" when it isn't working and we have lost sight of what we were doing . . .
Where there is no vision, the people perish . . .

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