Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Big Trial

It's really almost scary to blog about this subject, so here I go. It's about the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui and other things. I was shocked this morning when I discovered the date of his arrest. He's the man that is on trial, the only one ever to be tried for the attack of 9/11. He was arrested the 16th of August 2001. I'm not for a moment suggesting, he's not a dangerous character, but how can he be on trial for something that had not occurred before he was arrested? I think this is what is so scary about all of this. We are so bent upon exacting vengeance for something that happened, the actual reality and chronology is irrelevant. I find it ironic that while the trial of Moussaoui is underway, our legislators are debating new immigration laws, because you see, the original reason Moussauoi was arrested and detained was due to a concern regarding immigration. How is it, with millions of people unaccounted for, we can be so sure that a guest work status will not result in granting guest status to those that have ideas other than work? I remember the morning of 9/11, vividly and I remember the weeks that followed. I remember that we declared war on Afghanistan because of the Taliban that harboured Bin Laden. Then I remember, we went to war in Iraq, because there was a determination to go to war in Iraq, the reasons would be varying and forthcoming after the fact. And we sit here under the statement, "if you're not for us, you're against us." It is so polarized, yet without direction. And right before I began this blog, I read the headline that President Bush says Saddam Hussein is responsible for the insurgents in Iraq three years after Hussein was removed. Where is the order? What is the order? I made a casual remark in reference to Lee Harvey Oswald and the fact that at least they waited until after the President was shot to arrest him. Our governing plan seems a bit like the "magic bullet theory" inverted and mushroomed. There are so many things going on and nothing is getting accomplished; with the exception that we are continuously being told how much we don't know is getting done. That, I do believe. I am quite sure that I have no idea how much is going on, but will be told or realize long after the fact.

How do ye say, We are wise, and the law of the LORD is with us? Lo, certainly in vain made he it; the pen of the scribes is in vain.The wise men are ashamed, they are dismayed and taken: lo, they have rejected the word of the LORD; and what wisdom is in them?

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