Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Politicians Say the "Darnedest" Things

Years ago, when the baby boomers were kids, Art Linkletter had a show in which he interviewed children, and the catch phrase was always, "Kids Say the Darnedest Things." Now, that the kids in that age group are the ones giving interviews and speeches, I just correlate the two. The latest one that has really been an outstanding concept is the one that has been stated by President Bush and former President Clinton, the first of the baby boomers. Actually, the two of them sound similar a great deal of the time, but this latest is just priceless. As soon as Hamas was elected, of course to the shock of our President(?), politicians all over our country began spouting. And former politicians have now joined in, to this firm stand and observation. The collective concensus being, "elections are not all there is to democracy." What do American politicians know about running a democracy, anyway? The republicans told me a few years ago, "America is a republic and there is quite a difference." So, perhaps that is why it has been so difficult to inspire the rest of the world to organize a democracy properly. Have you noticed all the politicians are now saying it is time for Hamas to change their policies? Is that the part of democracy we forgot to teach the rest of the world? You know, the part about a campaign platform has nothing to do with actual policy after the election . . . It's called Campaign Promises 101 and is very basic to our political process, here in America. Apparently, elected officials in other countries plan to take their campaign promises and party platforms right on into the office with them after the elections. I'm guessing now that Hamas actually has attained the power of the people, this organization isn't going to be listening to American politicians any more than they were before the election. And what about the elections in Afganistan? What did their form of democracy produce? Have we even heard?
It's very clear, our last four elections have produced leaders that proudly proclaim a change of platform promises is in order right after the election.
The baby boomers are all grown up now, but they still say the darnedest things!
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obviously, I found this-listed in the upper level favorites, and not in my email site favorites!! Comment--Kindred and Robert always ay the darndest things!!

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