Thursday, February 16, 2006

Drugs Bridge the Generation Gap

Upon seeing a news heading with the words President's Drug Program, I immediately thought of President Reagan's "would-be" solution for the anti-establishment drug culture that existed when he became president. Now, we all knew that the government really couldn't afford to win the war on drugs for so many reasons, but all these years later, we see an all new definition for "drug program." The same generation is once again being catered to, and I guess it will continue to be, until the baby boomers can simply give no more under the control of the previous generation. While the boomers were experimenting with drugs, the previous generation was the establishment that was amassing all the stuff. Now, that they have all the stuff, and the money to influence, they want drugs, too. And there is a president in power that is willing to give them all they want, and the baby boomers and the boomer's babies will provide it. I've always been fascinated by the previous generation. They deserved respect, they deserved the good jobs and good incomes, and they deserved their material possessions, all because they said so. And, they also told us how much they gave us that we really didn't deserve, or work for, or earn. I've met few individuals from the generation ahead of the boomers that didn't start working the day after they got out of diapers, or walked uphill both ways every place they went. All, I learned in watching this generation push us around and treat everyone like idiots, was that was what grown-ups did; but I was wrong. After I grew up, they still treated our generation that way, and all the stuff was still theirs, and we just weren't taking responsibility like they did. Ok, we did, and sadly many boomers sold out to the establishment that is on a collision course headed for disaster. But some of us didn't sell out, or ever believe money, to be more important than people. I have a real problem with so many aging Americans that truly feel it is their entitlement to keep all their stuff and all their money and get a check every month that is funded by their children and grandchildren. But, in order to not have to listen to 'what a disaster' the younger generation brought upon our nation, I say let's give the old folks their drugs. We all know what they sound like when we don't do things, their way. And let's face it, they have discovered what the boomers were experimenting with in the 60's and 70's. They want their drugs and will do just about anything to get them. Guess it just took a few years to bridge the generation gap!
The heritage of the good man is handed down to his children's children . . . Proverbs

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