Friday, April 28, 2006

If Low is Negative, is High Positive?

I have vowed to myself and to my readers to have a positive perspective in these posts, and so I intend to keep my word, regardless of the news. I read this week, that the approval ratings of President Bush is at an "all time low," again. I believe for the past few months, each rating has a lower percentage and for several months now, he's been beating his own record. Say, he really does know how to "stay the course" and keep moving in the same direction! Not to belabor the low ratings, as that seems negative, let's discuss some of the "high numbers" in his presidency. Hey, gasoline prices have never been this high! Never, in the history of the United States and the United Nations, has one administration suggested and declared so much. We are now in 3 wars, Afghanistan, Iraq, and global terrorism, and maintaining this while military recruitment is beneath regularly expected quotas. I get the "forward" e-mails all the time about supporting troups and thanking soldiers, and I do pray for the troups, and I'd like to bring them home. In all the population that is in support of the wars, I only know one person that has a son or grandson serving in Iraq or Afghanistan. So, it would seem most of our populace are for supporting the war effort, but not directly and not personally.
Back to high numbers. Our current president has signed into law, more executive orders than any other president and he's only in the second year of his second term. There has never been an American President that has informed so many other world leaders as to how to do their job. I'll wrap this "high" blog up with the two topics of highest numbers in recent discussion . . . Never have we had a president that is so ready to increase our financially struggling, war-fearing, job outsourced population by some 11 or more million, an addition of nearly 5%?
If approval and budgeting were on the same continuum, I don't believe his low approval ratings begin to compare with the huge deficit our next president will be forced to face.
While his approval ratings may be at a new all time low, his "highs" also seem to be ever moving to all time records, as well.
The simple man has faith in every word, but the man of good sense gives thought to his footsteps.

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