Sunday, February 10, 2019

Disrespect or Dementia ?

In this culture of polarization, perhaps I should not be so black and white and give consideration to a blurred grey area, but I simply cannot find one.  Many of Nancy Pelosi's constituents and supporters have commented "concern" about Barron Trump's attention or lack thereof through late night speeches and events.  The fact that these events have taken place past a normal bedtime for a pre-teen, then there's the boredom factor . . . for a twelve year old boy, I hardly see the commentary as insightful.  Then there is the reality that those who have suggested labels are hardly qualified to do so. 

On the other hand, Nancy is 78 years old and should by now, know what appropriate behavior is, unless she's experienced some sort of health event or is simply declining, at this point. 

At first in watching her behavior and how much "stuff" was sitting in front of her, as opposed to VP Pence, I thought she was just poised aggressively to be disagreeable, but I'm not so sure, now.  Does this make you wonder if she is like this behind the closed doors of the House with anyone and everyone who dares have a different perspective?  In looking back through some of the SOTU addresses in her previous time of Speaker of the House, she was of course, friendly to President Obama. 

A few years earlier, however; she appeared to be poised in dealing with President Bush, also.  We know she didn't agree with him politically, but she at least displayed the appropriate pomp and circumstance for the event and his position.

Somewhere in a previous comment or video, I'd suggested that perhaps this open hostility was just part of Washington theatre, but now I have to wonder.  

I'm no doctor, but in looking back over the photos, Nancy Pelosi's behavior through the 2019 State of the Union Address reminded me of my old days working in the Nursing Home.  I realize many older folks have trouble and can even become combative after sundown.  Nancy will be 79 next month.  Perhaps she can simply no longer manage her emotions and behavior in some circumstances . . .

She actually stated that the President was not invited to the House to give the SOTU Address through the government shut down.  I'm not sure who should be credited for the democrat women to be wearing white, but Nancy certainly showed her support for the "cause."  The iconic image of her sarcastic applause aimed at the president is clearly one for the history books.  There was a time when citizens served in politics for a time, then returned to their own home and livelihood to age gracefully at home.  It may already be too late to avoid aging disgracefully in office.  Nancy seems to be wielding a great deal more power than previous Speakers of the House, while her behavior seems quite unfitting for that of a public servant. 

CNN reported a 76% approval rating for the President's SOTU Address.  Perhaps the Speaker of the House is struggling to actually relate to or represent the interests of the majority of Americans.

Better to dwell in a corner of a housetop, Than in a house shared with a contentious woman.  a Proverb of Holy Scripture


Anonymous said...

I did some research on her health and came across NUMEROUS video clips of her stumbling and slurring her words. Moments of going blank when searching for the right word and limited in recall as she was speaking. As well as her multiple facial contortions. All those manifestations brought medical professionals to conclude that she has some stage/s of dementia, and her medications are likely having that affect on her. Actually, it was quite sad to watch her struggle to convey her messages and at times she seemed embarrassed at her lack of ability to articulate her words and convey her thoughts clearly. I found myself experiencing “compassion” for her predicament. I truly hope her family is able to convince her that it’s time for her to retire or at least relinquish her reign. ALTHOUGH, I shudder to think who would replace her position. 😏

HelenCarlene said...

I had a revelation while watching her and her cohorts at the SOTU. And I clearly saw the Jezebel spirit in full form. Heaven help us if these power hungry women take control.

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