Sunday, January 03, 2016

#Sick Lives Matter

Before there was national Obamacare, there were individual states determining end of life standards and insurance companies screening pre-admission coverage over 20 years ago.  In determining those standards, it was also determined just who would define those standards . . . Nameless, faceless boards and committees, from health care professionals to insurance statisticians.  While the GOP was fear-mongering about death panels with Obamacare, the Grand Old Party was only about 15 years behind.  Death panels have been in existence long before any of us ever heard of Barrack Obama.

This past week, a heart wrenching story came to a conclusion.  I'd been following the reports of Christopher Dunn since late November.  The details of this report are troubling and the source seems to be without political agenda.  According to findlaw, Texas legislated death panels into place in 1999, meaning the Governor of Texas at that time would have signed this bill into law.  The Governor of Texas in 1999 was George W. Bush.  I'm not for a moment, suggesting the G W Bush had nefarious intent in signing this piece of legislation.  I really don't think elected politicians give much consideration to what they are signing.  At any rate, there is documented proof that death panels were in place in at least one state long before we ever heard of Obama.

Back in the early 90s, my husband, at that time, was transferred.  It was a great deal all the way around, same good company, great pay, same great health care benefits; except leaving the large city, there was this new thing called "network."  This was when I was still in mainstream medicine, and finding a primary care physician "in network," who was taking new patients proved to be quite a taxing task.  I couldn't find a GP who was taking new patients.  The kids were too old for a pediatrician, but the girls were too young to have an ob/gyn as their primary care physician.  Our son needed a primary care physician because he was in sports, so . . . we finally found a doctor, taking new patients, but all appointments would need to be pre-approved by insurance, and seemed to require being made about a month in advance, so "urgent" care became the primary care.

We didn't go to the ER every time we turned around, as there was a sort of "prehistoric" urgent care office that served the town for all problems too severe to wait a month and not severe enough for the ER.  They had the insurance situation down pat.  Pre-approval was not needed, but primary care doctor's name was, and . . . the doctors there did not make hospital rounds.  I don't know if they didn't have hospital privilege then or what, but the cracks in health care were apparent in 1992, even with what was considered very "good" insurance coverage.

I completely abandoned faith in mainstream health care about 15 years ago.  I'm so thankful I got out when I did, because sadly, health care has deteriorated even further.  Not only is insurance more expensive and fewer jobs offer benefits, but health care has become a strong arm of a very controlling government with little compassion for "we the people."

Just this past Monday, a Florida woman died as she was being escorted out of the hospital in handcuffs.  Her crime?  She didn't want to be released as she felt she still needed treatment for a breathing issue . . . The immediate evidence seems to indicate she knew what she was talking about.  The hospital administrator sounded very dismissive in her comment.  As I read the article, crossing my mind was the old saying "I wouldn't go there if my life depended upon it . . ." But then, the realization overwhelmed me.  Barbara Dawson's life did depend upon it and she might still be alive if someone had had the compassion to listen to the patient . . . She died Monday night, December 21, 2015.

Now, back to the heart wrenching story I've been following since November.  Christopher Dunn died, Wednesday, December 23, 2015.  He had worked in law enforcement and as an EMT, but was uninsured at the time his illness caused him to be hospitalized.  Of course, I don't have all the details, but we do know it was determined by a medical team and a hospital that his treatment should be suspended.  With HIPAA, we can rest assured, none of us will ever have all the details.  Maybe they couldn't help him, but he was conscious last week and responding to questions.  Even though he was able to respond to questions, and his mother was present,  Methodist Hospital filed for guardianship and Mr. Dunn passed before his attorneys could get a court date for the petition on his behalf.

 The man, his mother, and his lawyers, filed a lawsuit in an attempt to save the man’s life. His attorney, Joe Nixon, told Breitbart Texas at the time, “A criminal on death row in Texas has more rights than a patient in a Texas hospital.” He says a Texas statute denies a patient all due process rights and is unconstitutional.

  Expensive health care, lacking compassion has been going on for a very long time . . .  "Death panels" have been in place for years, and HIPAA laws really don't protect our privacy, HIPAA provides a shield of no accountability for health care.

And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years,  And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse . . . the Gospel according to Mark
The woman in this account has a better ending, however; than Mrs. Dawson or Mr. Dunn

When she had heard of Y'hshuwah, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.  For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.  And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.

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