Thursday, November 03, 2005

Eminent Domain was Imminent

Ah, it's been awhile since I blogged. The cares of the world have been a burden, to say the least. Two Supreme Court positions open and nominations, appointments, wars, approval ratings, hurricanes, FEMA, and what happened to Social Security reform? The list is endless, now isn't it . . .
I personally thought the nomination of Harriet Miers was bold and strategic. It let our "fearless" leader know just how blindly loyal his followers are. I thought it was a pretty good way to see just how much "political capital" he could spend. Turns out, like with so many guys that are buying a "round for the house," he seemed to "be a little short" when it came time to pay the tab. But really, that's a blog for another day. I want to talk about Judge Souter. I guess one can do that without fear, here in the land of the "free."
How is it that Judge Souter is being "judged" to have changed from the conservative vote? This issue of eminent domain just proves he is doing exactly what was expected by the man that appointed him. Does it get anymore republican than to take from the poor and middle class and give to the rich? The so called "conservatives" may say they are up in arms about this man's vote, but really he is representing those that put him in his position. After all, he was nominated by the president that introduced the concept of the "new world order," like that was a good idea. G~d's Word is pretty clear about this world order business and "who" is behind that!
So, the way I see it, Eminent Domain has been IMMINENT since the first Bush administration, but then so has war in the middle east and crazy gas prices and . . . What is this, a family tradition? Is this simply a case of politics being the family business? Has Judge Souter really changed his stand and views or has he done exactly what was expected from his party and appointment?
insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

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