Monday, January 05, 2009

Political Pay to Play . . . What, Here in America?

Surely not! Already now, twice, there is some sort of question of potential ethics problems with people associated with President elect Obama. Gov. Blagojevich looks like he's got some explaining to do, but I do admire the stunt he pulled regarding an appointment. I mean, he's got everyone by the constitution, doesn't he! He is, after all, presumed innocent until proven guilty, and his appointment had nothing to do with any of his alleged phone conversations. Funny, it's the democrats that are all up in the air about this appointment. Nothing like this dilemma even before the Senate convenes and the new President is inaugurated to set the stage. Next there is Governor Richardson's interesting association with contributions and some sort of contracts. I can't believe this didn't come up through his presidential campaign. I guess this is one of the things that truly does boggle my mind. And how did Pres-elect miss these big red flags? I mean, Blagojevich is Illinois politics and so was Senator Obama. Surely with all the questionable people mentioned in association with both of them, they would have run across the same people at some point. And as for Richardson, did Obama inherit John McCain's vetting staff? Not knowing about a grand jury investigation is about like all the interesting tidbits we found out about Sarah Palin, the day after the big speech at the convention. How is it, that politicians can find wisps of dirt on their opponents through a campaign, but are completely oblivious to current, ongoing ethical and legal investigations? I sure hope Obama plans to get on top of current American politics better than he is so far. We just don't need four more years of Haliburton deals!
Thou shalt not have in thy bag divers weights, a great and a small. Torah of Holy Scripture

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