Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Enough Whining and Sniveling

I am exhausted with the lame excuses, blame game, and whining of the present party of power. Get a grip! The present party of power has the majority in the House, the majority in the Senate, absolute control of the White House, and seven out of nine Supreme Court justices were appointed by the present party of power. And yet there continues to be "hand-wringing," complaints about the democrats, and accusations of conspiracy against their well-meaning goodness for our country and a good portion of the rest of the world. Every day is something new to mourn. I am sick to death of hearing about what Ted Kennedy is causing these "moral highroaders" as their followers refer to them. Don't tell me Ted Kennedy is ruining this entire country from one Senate seat in Massachusetts. I can't believe any intelligent thinking person would believe half the propaganda put out by the media mongers of this group that portray themselves to be constitutional patriots. How did the antics of rude third graders get to be politically revered and applauded in this country? Perhaps the rude precocious third grade bullies have simply grown up and still have the brazen pushiness to maintain the control. Or maybe a few boys of the American blue-bloods grew up with those silver spoons and all the backing their fathers and grandfathers could provide. I truly do not begrudge them their power. We know from history, the true price of power is the human soul, so I am not interested in competing, but what I would really like; is for them to enjoy their power without this continual whining for more. They have it all and are still unhappy. For all practical purposes, we have become a one party nation, what more is there? If there is complaining to be done, it certainly should not be from the powers that be. As a matter of fact, if the powers that be are doing a good job and taking the "moral high road," how can there be room for complaints, much less by the very people calling the shots? If there are still things to whine about after 5 years of absolute authority and power, it is time for the leaders, to pick up a mirror and take a good long look.
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked rule, the people mourn.

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