Thursday, May 09, 2019

Vaccines, the Baser Line of Division

The strong arm of American health care is about to draw the line in the sand on the division over the vaccination issue.  Most of the arguments in this country fall along party lines, but not this one!  I've observed comments and read articles from both sides of the aisle that are pro-vaccine.  Many of the anti-vax are libertarian or a-political, and as for the term many, we are a minority.  We are a minority in which it's politically correct to discriminate against and speak condescension.

There is an interesting article that introduced a great new label for us, and presented a very well written observation.  Why "Anti-Vaxxers" are really "Ex-Vaxxers".  Most of us were not raised to be anti-vax and most of us continued our pro-vax programming into our own parenting years, until . . . a light came on.  For some, it was a vaccine injury, others were blessed to simply read the insert and say, "not my child."  Others have made the decision based upon the toxins used in vaccines and the reported fetal tissue from abortions.

Abortions and vaccines are part of mainstream health care and if you don't see the power of Big Pharma in this country, you either have your head in the sand or are simply living under a rock.  Even the politicians bow down and kowtow to the Big Pharma lobby.  The love of money is powerful.  I Timothy says, "the love of money is the root of all evil."  It seems a number of G-d fearing people rail against abortion and the main stand against the vaccination program is a religious exemption, so we can basically see "who" is slated to be public enemy number one!   Most of these people who are pro-life and anti-mandatory vaccines still support the health care system, however.  If asked I'm sure most pro-lifers would never go to a doctor that performs abortions, but the health care system their physicians do represent and work for includes abortion and vaccination.

Most ex-vaxxers are not opposed to vaccines being available for those who choose them, but rather oppose the possibility of legally mandating them.  Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has taken a very bold stand on this subject, yet he's never claimed to be anti-vax.  He wants genuine studies done to prove their safety and efficacy, rather than programming and propaganda.  Although I'm not onboard with the Children's Health Defense, the page contains a short video done by Mr. Kennedy.
The fact that the White House asked him to chair a committee to check into the safety of vaccines, yet now has all but ghosted Mr. Kennedy on the subject of vaccines is telling and rather ominous.

Here is an article that is over four years old.  The powers that be are aware that vaccines shed and spread the illness!   I've been involved in more than one thread on social media regarding this topic and have seen some pretty harsh character assassinations aimed at we ex-vaxxers.  More than one individual has gone on and on, accusing non-vaxxers of not caring about children or those with compromised immunity.  Saying if we cared about others, we'd get vaccinated.  My thought after reading various reports is quite simple.  Are those who choose to vaccinate themselves and their children willing to remain home and out of public places until the shedding period is over?

Mr. Kennedy is also checking into the products of Monsanto and the effect they have, not only on the environment but on the people.  Monsanto has now taken anonymous cover under the merger with Bayer.  An interesting merger of our food supply and symptom management, to be sure!

Social media contains posts claiming that vaccines contain aborted fetal tissue.  This is what I've discovered and it confirms what Bush 43 said several years ago, through his administration.  Two tissue lines from aborted fetuses are reportedly used in the development of certain vaccines.  Reportedly, the two lines are maintained to continue indefinitely.  I do not have the knowledge to confirm or deny that, but I have included some links that address the issue.  Many individuals who are pro-life now consider this a very negative factor in the vaccine discussion.  Also according to some reports, there are cells of various unclean animals used in making some vaccines, so that is a Scriptural issue for those who choose to live by Scriptural dietary standard.  I realize the cells are not made into a meal, but they do enter the body, and there are some oral vaccines.

The following link took me to a page that seemed to be a resource for those in the health care field and pro-vax.  I've included one of the questions with the first paragraph of the answer.
A patient has expressed concern that some vaccines have been produced in fetal tissue. How can I address this concern?
The production of a few vaccines, including those for varicella, rubella, and hepatitis A, involves growing the viruses in human cell culture. Two human cell lines provide the cell cultures needed for producing vaccines; these lines were developed from two legally aborted fetuses in the 1960s. These cell lines are maintained to have an indefinite life span. No fetal tissue has been added since the cell lines were originally created . . .
The following excerpt came from an article offering the abortion history in this country.
In the late 1960s, before abortion was legalized again in the United States, concerned pastors and rabbis set up the Clergy Consultation Service on Abortion to help women find safe illegal abortions.  

According to this information, we can be sure abortions were done in this country before 1973.  Depending upon the financial status of the "patient" and the willingness of the physician they were simply labeled to be some other procedure or just "off the record," but this leaves me with a question.  If abortions were not legal until 1973, how were two fetuses aborted legally in the 60's?

Research indicates it was really improvements in sanitation that brought the decline of polio in the 50's before the vaccine.  After the vaccine was introduced, any symptoms of, or similar to polio were labeled differently, such as Guillain-Barre syndrome.  Although there are fewer cases of polio, measles, mumps, and pertussis reported, autoimmune diseases and countless syndromes have increased in this modern vaccine era.  You may argue that we simply have more ways to diagnose and more information available, which may be true, but there is one haunting fact that stands in this hotly debated issue.

I've taken note of the digital history regarding the annual flu vaccines.  Digital history is certainly not etched in stone, and often not in tangible print.  At the beginning of flu season, everyone is urged to get a flu shot, as thousands of people were spared the flu "last season," due to their shots  By the end of the flu season, the records seem to have changed and everyone is urged to get a flu shot to avoid being one of the thousands of sad statistics from the previous year . . .

Vaccine manufacturers are not liable for claims of vaccine injuries and there are over 250 patent applications for more vaccinations!  In 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, was included in a larger health bill and passed, protecting vaccine manufacturers from lawsuits.  The recommended vaccinations in the country stood between 24-25 from 1963-1988.  That number has now more than doubled.

Since 1988, over 20,629 petitions have been filed with the NCVIA. Over that 30-year time period, 17,875 petitions have been adjudicated, with 6,551 of those determined to be compensable, while 11,324 were dismissed. Total compensation paid over the life of the program is approximately $4.1 billion.  

VAERS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System was established in 1990.  The name doesn't lead one to believe the CDC and FDA are involved, but both are listed to "co-manage" VAERS.  The link is included in the acronym at the beginning of this paragraph, and the following is a paragraph from the website.
The primary objectives of VAERS are to:
  • Detect new, unusual, or rare vaccine adverse events;
  • Monitor increases in known adverse events;
  • Identify potential patient risk factors for particular types of adverse events;
  • Assess the safety of newly licensed vaccines;
  • Determine and address possible reporting clusters (e.g., suspected localized [temporally or geographically] or product-/batch-/lot-specific adverse event reporting);
  • Recognize persistent safe-use problems and administration errors;
  • Provide a national safety monitoring system that extends to the entire general population for response to public health emergencies, such as a large-scale pandemic influenza vaccination program.
VAERS appears to be data keeper and study desk to monitor the effects of new vaccinations in the population, which makes it sound like our children are the guinea pigs.

Although the creation of NCVIA in 1988 and VAERS in 1990 gives the illusion of protection for the people, these two agencies are in place because the vaccine manufacturers are protected from lawsuits and liability, as of 1986.

The term pharmakeia/pharmakon is a Greek term that is the root for our English word pharmacy or pharmaceutical and that Greek term is included in the Revelation of Scripture, translated "sorcery/sorcerer."  There are four verses pertaining to this subject in the Revelation.
Revelation 9:21; 18:23; 21:8; 22:15
Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.  Revelation 9:21. 


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