Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Ultimate Conundrum

To be completely honest, I've never really known where I stand on the adoption/abortion issue.  I don't believe in doctors, so I wouldn't consider an abortion, but from what I've seen, heard, and read on the subject of adoption, I have issues with that too.  I've known of too many young women who were virtually forced to give their child up for adoption, then had to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps under the judgment of the religiously inept, move forward and start a life; only to be "found" years later by that birth child.

Naturally the adopted child is only concerned with their own issues around the adoption, and appear to give very little thought to the parent that made a most heart wrenching decision at their birth, or the parents that did everything within their power to give that child a life, a home, and a family.  The child seems to have an insatiable void that must be filled, regardless of the fallout, so I'm not so sure adoption as we know it, is the answer.  A personal pet peeve of mine is to listen to some old lady give the church family rundown and hear about some college graduate and qualify the information with "he was adopted as a baby."     As life in the US continues to devolve, I think we are about to be faced with the rock and hard place of all times, religiously and politically speaking.

This is not about race, but there are facts that simply exist.  For years now, it's been a very difficult journey for a Middle Class white couple to adopt a white newborn.  It seems by the time a couple, any couple, realize they are having fertility issues, they have exhausted a great many funds and spent a number of years trying to conceive and trying to discover the problem.  Last I researched the situation, a couple could qualify for in vitro fertilization procedures at an older age than they could remain on an adoption waiting list.  Wealthy couples opted for surrogacy, but now families have worked some of those details out for themselves.

Scripture has laws about inheritance and a man dying childless.  Esther was what we would term "adopted" but that was by a family member, so we really don't have a great deal to go on, Scripturally, in regard to adoption.  What I do see coming though is the political/religious civil war of all times in America.  The same people who are against abortion are also against gay marriage.  Every time another state and the Supreme Court recognizes gay marriage, the reality that gay couples are biologically unable procreate, comes to mind.  As things have gone in this country, I don't think it takes incredible insight to see that adoption laws will follow these new laws of the land very soon.

It's truly time to stop making noise about what we are against, and offer a bonafide solution.  One of my thoughts is to return to "private adoptions" and get the government out of the adoption business, entirely.  Let the expectant mother make the home study.  Let the adoptive couple use their funds toward actually enhancing life, rather than lining legal pockets.  We can blame planned parenthood, but abortion would have never become the huge industry it has, without those "abusive religious whack jobs" that used to run homes for unwed mothers.  I'm not saying they were all bad, but the reputation of the bad ones were horrible, and they bragged about it!  Unwed mothers often felt like they had no choice, which is where the abortion industry ran away with the PR calling it pro-choice!

From the time in the Garden of Eden, blame did not solve the problem or resolve the guilt.  We are about to be faced with actually needing to provide a solution, rather than just a protest.
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:  Torah of Holy Scripture

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