Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Show Must Go On

Senator Obama,
I realize you feel the debate takes precedence to actually tending to the task of your present position, which is Senator. I know you have your sites set on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., but right now, your employment address is Capitol Hill and frankly, if you are going to call in "busy" and not even "present," I really don't think you should be drawing your Senator salary. Do you? You're not sick, and clearly you are absent more than you are "present." And oh, by the way, if you do end up with the Oval Office, when the red phone rings, "Present" will not be enough of an answer from our Commander in Chief. Which reminds me, I'd really like to know just a little more about what you really believe and where you really stand. I'm thinking that just might give me a clue as to where you intend to lead us. I'm not trying to get real personal, here, but you do seem to have a difficult time really saying what you mean and standing for specifics, and your wife. Let's just say, she seems aggressive, maybe frustrated. 'Nuff said there. Back to politics. I read briefly about your state Senate service. It seems, as soon as you were re-elected, you began running for another office, but that didn't work out, so you ran again for the state position, then you no sooner had it, you were setting your sites on national. I have to tell you. It really seems like a put on deal. I mean you were not much more famous than I was before the Democratic National Convention in 2004. Let's face facts, everybody can stir up scandal and most everybody has beaten Alan Keyes, who came in very late in the campaign to replace the guy ridden with scandal that was running against you. So your confident victory looks all but choreographed to me and I made that comment in '04 as you were introduced. Granted, G~D has given me the gift of discernment, so maybe everyone hasn't noticed this, but it is clear. You are where you are right now, and it is not simply from being in the right place at the right time with the right answer. I haven't heard any of your answers, but your wife says we all have to work, you are going to make us. Not to nag, but maybe you ought to see what you can do to calm her aggression or ease her frustration.
I am a Libertarian and to be honest I didn't intend to vote for either of you, but your comments regarding the debate and the urgent situation in Washington has certainly elevated John McCain, in my eyes. You should go to Washington for this major economic discussion and at least say "Present."
If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. a Proverb of Holy Scripture

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