Monday, August 18, 2008

My Thoughts Regarding the GOP VP

These past few days have been interesting with news other than politics.
I'm just thrilled about Michael Phelps! I remember watching Mark Spitz in the '72 Olympics. This past week, I've checked every morning as to what is going on with Michael Phelps and I was quite impressed to know that he'd already won 6 Golds in Athens in '04, and now 8 in '08. This young man is an amazing athlete. My 6 year old grandson, who just happens to be a natural in the water, has been pretty amazed by this athlete, as well. So, who knows? But special KUDOS to Michael Phelps.
I also noticed as Michael Phelps took center stage around the world, the mega-church pastor Rick Warren took center stage at his own church, to host the presumed Presidential Candidates. From what I've read, I gather that his crowd is leaning toward McCain. And now, the grand unveiling of vice presidential choices is at hand. I think Obama will have to name some middle aged white guy or woman, but I'm thinking man, with "experience" to balance his multi-cultural freshness! McCain, on the other hand has a very unique voting bloc with which to deal and I think that will definitely allow him a great deal of freedom in his choice of VP. I've read, Senator McCain may consider a pro-choice candidate. And who could miss the fact that bipartisan, independent, who knows how he'll vote, Joe Lieberman; has been regularly seen on the McCain campaign trail. I think McCain can pretty much go conservative or liberal in his choice, as the primary issue in his main voting bloc is simply "against Obama."
Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.

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