Saturday, October 14, 2006

Let's Talk Conspiracy

Has anyone else noticed, for the last five or six years, the references to conspiracy theories regarding politics? What I have noticed is that both parties feel "the other" party followers are conspiracy theorists. It's so interesting to hear one side present their observations about "the conspiracy" of the other party. Then the other party shares their views of the paranoia of the "other party." I'm thinking it's not a conspiracy between democrats and republicans, but rather the politicians verses the common citizen. Don't get me wrong here. The politicians aren't "out to get us," they need us. The politicians simply want to be aristrocrats and the common citizen maintain their mere peasant status, willingly and blindly. I've been tickled this week at the "house cleaning" on Capitol Hill. It has reminded me of the old Rice Krispies commercial when the mom dusted her face with flour right before presenting the Rice Krispies treats to the awaiting crowd of children, giving the illusion that she had been slaving in the kitchen to make such a treat. The republicans are giving the impression that they will hold a high standard, even for "their own" in matters of protecting the public. And the democrats are just quite the moral high roaders, these days, drawing the parameters and lines for what is good and decent. And I just don't know how much of the public is swallowing this hook, line and sinker.
It gets a bit scary as I listen to those that re-elected the same administration in 2004, now making comments regarding some of the decisions. The scary part is that these individuals that make up the constituency for the present administration are "never wrong." As a matter of fact, they possess great insight as to what is suitable for the rest of us, and they will share it at every opportunity. So will they say enough is enough? Doubtful until it affects their pocketbook . . . The democrats, on the other hand, see their opportunity to run away with the election based upon the illusion that so many republicans have been caught at deeds "unbecoming" to a politician. Will the democrats regain the House? The real problem is not the continual argument between the democrats and the republicans and yet it is the real problem. Bottom line, the politicians are hoping to keep the American public arguing party lines and focusing on blame, rather than realize there is no party that can fix the mess and no party that is above reproach and both parties like the prestige of being American aristocracy. If the partisan arguments cease and the conspiracy accusations become silent, the people might see the truth.
The words of wise men are heard in quiet more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools.

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