Monday, February 28, 2005

Free Elections - All Around ?

I've been making comments and writing questions about enforcing peace and military freedom for some time, now. Some of it is venting, some of it is challenging others, and some of it just gives me a headache if I try to keep it to myself. I have usually approached my political view from an independent that definitely thinks the separation of church and state is a very good idea. And it is a good idea for many reasons. I think politicians and lawyers determining our morality is comparable to Hugh Hefner designing and defining the clothing line for "business/casual." I think spiritual matters are spiritual matters and they cannot or should not be legislated by man. I personally think G~d did an adequate job. Besides, G~d only has 613, the United States of America, alone has over 200,000. So we should keep the government out of religion and really religion doesn't offer enough regulations for government or society. I am catching on to the way things work, though, but that's another blog. Now that America has the self-appointed duty or self-proclaimed obligation to spread freedom around the world, we're busy. All of this is so we can be free? Well, I know several Americans that are just swallowing that; hook, line and sinker, but I'm seeing something bigger. First, we cannot enforce peace. To use the campaign words of John Kerry, we can't "win the peace" and certainly not through war. Since when has America's "freedom" depended upon the elections of other countries? Or in all this "freedom talk" and faith fervor, have we forgotten that the Bible said their would be a world wide government? How do we know; that world wide government is not some form of democracy? You say, but Revelation says it will be the anti-Christ and he will be evil. Elections are not always won by nice, good people. Just ask a republican about the 1992 or 1996 presidential elections. And I am not suggesting that Bill Clinton is evil, what I am saying, is obviously in America, evil seems to be a matter of opinion and interpretation. But I am truly shocked that the same people that were sure our last president would seek to conform to the UN standard, can't see that the UN isn't the only one demonstrating a need or desire to set the one world standard. And I am even more shocked that a leader that claims to be a man of faith, thinks the whole world needs to be on the same page, specifically; his . . .
and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws:

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